Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Potpourri - Paris

This posting contains pictures from Paris that were not included in previous posts.

Here is a statue at the Luxembourg Garden near our first Paris hotel. The Pantheon is in the background. The French Senate meets in a palace on the park/garden grounds.

Here is the Pantheon.

Here are two other pictures of the most famous landmark in Paris.

Here is the other Statue of Liberty.

The above four pictures are a few scenes from around Paris.

Here is another photo of the Champs-Elysées. This one is looking away from the Arc and toward the Place de la Concorde, containing the obelisk from Luxor. Beyond that is the Tuilleries park/garden and the Louvre.

Here is a statue of St. Denis. He was martyred (beheaded) on the highest hill in Paris (now Montmartre). After his head was chopped off, Denis is said to have picked it up and walked six miles, preaching a sermon along the way. You can see another statue of St. Denis carved on the front of Notre Dame (see our post from July 21).

One of the most fun things for me in Paris was simply walking around the town and seeing the various famous sights. The subway system made it very easy to get from one part of town to another. There always seemed to be lots of pedestrians wherever we went. I was also surprised to see all the small cars. It was very rare to see a vehicle the size of our minivan. There were also many people cycling and lots of motor bikes and scooters.

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