Friday, July 29, 2011

Excursion Day

Today was the "Excursion Day" at the conference. Instead of talks, we traveled in groups to several sites in and around Coimbra. Today I paid for bounding up and down the big hill yesterday with very sore calf muscles. I think it is a combination of the steepness of the streets, the roughness of the cobbles, and the poor support provided by my sandals. I decided to take a new way to the conference site that took me along a very pleasant tree lined boulevard. It culminated with climbing about 500 steps. I will try a different way tomorrow.

Our day started by visiting the science museum. This was located in an old chemistry building. In addition to new science exhibits, there were quite a few exhibits and instruments from the early days of chemistry and physics. There was an extensive collection of scientific instruments. Many of the new exhibits were related to light and vision. There was a 30 year old GE gamma camera on display. I explained how it worked to several people. One room contained a large display collection of minerals. My favorite was the dolomite from South Dakota. There was a small exhibit on artificial insemination and how frogs were used in that research. How do you collect from sperm? Simply put some rubber pants on the male frog is shown in the display model!

We had a short break for lunch. I bought a sandwich from a local market and ate near the river. We met at a plaza downtown to catch tour buses. It was hot so I opted to have a cool beverage with another conference participant who is from the Netherlands. We sat under the shade of a cafe umbrella and enjoyed a cool breeze while we talked about our research. We had a good laugh (at the expense of many) when I noted they looked a lot like cattle bunched together under the shade of a small tree.

Our tour buses took us up and into the hills (300-400 m) to a nearby national forest, the Mata National do Bucaco. The park contains cypress and cedar trees that are hundreds of years old (one dates to before 1644). There was a path that has the 12 stations of the cross to with the correct distances ascribed to the passion walk. It also contains a former convent and an active chapel. A room adjacent to the chapel contained a prayer room dedicated to the female breast. There was a large painting of a breast-feeding child. On the prayer table there were small wax models of single and double breasts placed as offerings. There were pictures and notes, presumably prayers of hope and thanksgiving for healthy children, placed by expectant and recent mothers. The paths through the forest led to overlooks where we could see miles (or km) out over nearby towns and countryside. It was very beautiful.

We then visited a local winery, Caves do Freixo. Portugal has a long history of wine production and some varieties of grapes used in wine production are only grown in Portugal. The majority of wine produced at the winery was sparkling. The also had a few types of table wine, a non alcoholic fruit syrup, and an 80 proof brandy distilled and aged on site. I asked the owner about the process and indicated I was interested in purchasing a bottle. He proceeded to give me a sample (which caused much commotion and demands of samples by others in the group). It is very tasty! He then wen to the back room and handed a bottle to me and a local organizer and translator. He said it was too complicated to take our money, so I left with bottle of Reliquia (relic; precious) for the trip home. Ask me for a sample when I get home!

We then left on the bus for Coimbra. There was much envy as I walked on the bus with a bottle of Reliquia. I managed to avert an ambush on the bus and made it back to the hotel with the bottle still sealed.

I then walked around town looking for a nice restaurant. I found a restaurant in a quiet area and sat at a table outside. I had some cod cakes, salad, and rice. I had a vanilla cream pudding for dessert. The cold rose wine was refreshing.

I loaded pictures, but the internet is too slow for much interactivity. I will add pics later. Sorry about lack of visuals, especially of the frogs and wax breasts!

1 comment:

  1. See - you should have taken the wine travel bag I offered. I hope the bottle makes it home for us to have some!!
