Saturday, July 30, 2011

On a roll

Today was family day at the conference. There were talks in the morning and the afternoon was filled with interactive workshops on a variety of topics. The afternoon sessions were at an other univeristy in town, further from the hotel. I walked there with another group. As we left, we walked under a Roman aquaduct. I was taking some pictures and admiring the soaring arches then BAM. I took a tumble on the cobblestones. I impressed everyone with my syle of tumbling. I did a nice barrel roll and came up with slightly skinned knees. No blood or bruises. Superstar! Our route took us through the botanical gardens and past a seminary. We ate lunch at a small cafe on the way. It was hot in the sun but there was a nice breeze.

After the workshops, many participants had dinner at the local cafeteria. The food was a rice/pork casserole dish. It was good. We then had music night with informal music by conference participants. There was a diverse set of talents on display including singing, guitar playing, accordian, recorders, ukelele, and piano. I walked the 2.5 miles back to the hotel with three others, mostly along the river. It was still very pleasant outside at 11 pm.

I only took a few pictures, but will post them another day when the internet is working better.

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