Friday, August 9, 2013

Back in Michigan

I caught a train from Delft to Schiphol yesterday morning.  I needed to change trains in Leiden, but got to the airport in plenty of time.  Dropped my bags at the self-service checking point.  I then went through the exit customs point.  My gate was not very far, so I had a bit to eat then waited at the gate.  Passenger screening happens at each gate, so I waited in a line for that.  After a short wait they started boarded the flight, which involved another line.  I got on the plane with about 45 minutes before scheduled departure.  With an eight hour flight, I decided to just stand in the aisle near my seat.  I then was asked to switch with a woman about 100 rows closer to the front so she could sit by her husband.  No problem.  I then made another switch to a few rows up to help another couple sit together.  The flight home was uneventful.  I watched two movies.  The food was tolerable.  Not much turbulence during the flight.

The customs lines were pretty short.  The first is just an initial passport screening.  The second involved another line after picking up luggage.  At the baggage carousel there were several officers with dogs sniffing for contraband.  One dog was a small beagle that keyed on a couple bags that turned up nothing of concern.  The other dog was a german shepard.

Emily picked me up at the airport and then we went to the patio party.  I rode home with Amy and finally got home around 9.  It is nice to be home after such a long trip!  I have unpacked most things, but still have paperwork to organize.

t was a great trip in many respects.  I saw lots of very interesting things.  I had a chance to present some interesting research.  I saw old acquaintances and made new connections.  I also have some good ideas for my course and future research.

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