Saturday, July 24, 2010

Paris in a hurry! Part 2

We hopped on the Metro again and headed to the Champs-Elysees, all the time looking at the preparations for the last stage of the Tour de France bicycle race which ends there on Sunday.  Too bad we had to leave for Hungary, because Dave would have loved to see it!!  We walked all the way down the C-E and took lots of photos.  We didn't go in many stores, though.  Imagine!

The Arc de Triomphe - we thought we would try to put up some photos with us in them, to prove we are really here!

Louis Vuitton - there was a line outside to get in.  There are 101 suitcases in the window, because their address is 101 Champs-Elysees. Huh. 

Yes, this is a photo from the middle of the street.  Tricky to get, and risky, but worth it, I guess!!!

A view going the other way, looking at the Place de la Concorde.  I took this one!  

The Obelisk from Luxor at the Place de la Concorde - the covered seating to the right overlooks the Champ-Elysees and will be prime seating for the last 10 laps of the TDF!

The fountain - very pretty!

The Tuileries Metro Stop
This photo is for Liz and Shane - we didn't make eye contact with anyone in the Metro Stops.  If anyone else wants to know what I am talking about, rent or borrow a copy of the collection of short films known as Paris, Je T'aime.  They are all done by famous directors, writers and actors about their favorite parts of Paris.  There is one set in the Tuileries stop starring Steve Buscemi, one of our favorite actors, and we thought about it every time we went through this stop. 

We can't resist talking about the money we have encountered.  The Euro is very pretty and comes in many forms.  Ok, the next day, yesterday, now, we traveled to Hungary and I will blog about that in another post. 

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