Friday, July 16, 2010

Twas the night before Europe

. . . and all through the house . . . Amy was madly packing, and so was her spouse.

Also, checking in for flights, breathing a sigh of relief that the gas and phone lines are fixed, stocking groceries.  Do we have batteries, directions, enough underwear?  Will the kids have car trouble, enough food, get to work on time? Aaaagh -it's time to turn off the parenting because I am sure they will BE FINE!!

Tomorrow we leave for Paris, then on to adventures in Hungary, back to Paris and home again in 17 days.  We have flights, hotel reservations and instructions on taking the train.  We also have advice on where to go and what to see in each city. We are looking forward to being in Europe for the first time and seeing all the classic sights.  Only slight complication - we speak very little French and no Hungarian!  Armed with a cadre of Rick Steves books and Lonely Planet guides, we will try our best to get around.

Thing you should worry about most - Amy wandering around in a foreign country with no language skills, no phone and no sense of direction!  Side note - there are 115 yarn shops in Paris, if I'm not at the hotel, I might be at one of them.

Bon Voyage!!


  1. You should buy me lots of cool stuff...possibly some French yarn? I think so :)

  2. Wow! I'm looking forward to all the cool stuff you and Emily are going to be bringing me too! Have fun! Can't wait to see the pictures!

  3. Have a great time.....takes lots of pictures! And post some too!
