Friday, June 6, 2014

Chaos of moving

Emily's obligations for her Fulbright have ended.  She and the other Fulbrighters are moving out of their apartments, packing bags, and saying their farewells.  The apartments are in a bit of disarray with half packed boxes, suitcases, and bags of stuff.

Emily and I were both much better in the morning, but decided not to push our luck with food or adventure, so we focussed on packing and paperwork.

All four Fulbrighters living in the same building with Emily went back to the university with stuff for next years Fulbrighters and other administrivia.

On the way home, we attempted to get cash from an ATM, a feat that should not be as hard as it seems to be for me.  Finally I was able to get some cash, but not the quantity I was expecting.  Argh!

On the way back to Emily's, I was worried about rain.  Emily told me it never rains here, so I did not bring a raincoat.  Also, she said it would be very hot, so I did not bring a jacket.  Well, we got caught in quite a downpour with marble size hail!  We hid under some trees in the park and then went into a store.  That weather was certainly unexpected.  We stopped at a local bakery for some cookies and other sweets.

In the evening, the medical faculty took Emily, Matt, and me out for a very nice multiple course meal.  We had a really great feast of traditional foods.  Plate after plate came over several hours.  We left completely stuffed.  It was very clear that these faculty really enjoyed learning English with Emily and Matt.   Likewise, Emily and Matt really enjoyed having students eager to learn (who doesn't?).

Emily and I seemed to have recovered from our stomach bug and had a much better day than the previous.

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