Saturday, June 7, 2014

Turkey by bus

Saturday Emily and I woke up both feeling a little rough.  Our GI tracts were misbehaving again. For breakfast we had immodiun, breads from the local bakery, and water. One of the breads is called simit, which is like a sesame bagel. The other was poağaça, which is a small roll that contains cheese.

We said goodbyes to David and Laurel and then we took a taxi to the bus station.  We got there in plenty of time to purchase tickets and get on our bus.  The bus station is quite big and was full of activity.

Our bus was nice, an important feature for a eight hour trip. It was closer to full capacity and we made about a stop every hour. After major stops we were offered water, coffee, and juice.

Our route took us west through Adana and then we turned north near Tarsus.  The weather was cool and rainy, making perfect for travel. After arriving in Nevşehir we changed busses to get to Göreme where we had reserved a hotel room.  Along the way we saw a wide diversity of terrain and agriculture. Near Adana there were palm trees and many fields of grains, corn, and vegetables.  Orchards were also very abundant, with what looked low cherries, olives, and pistachios. There were also mountainous regions and high scrub.  We did not see much livestock, only a few goat and sheep herds.

Our hotel room is in a cave hotel, so our room is built into the hillside.  

We had a decent meal at a restaurant with a terrace overlooking the town. We stopped at a few shops on the way back to our hotel.

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