Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Nexus 2014

I am in Ankara for the 2014 Nexus conference, a gathering of researchers interested in mathematics and architecture.  It is being held at the Middle East Techical University (aka Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi) in the school of architecture.  As in Gaziantep, the university is an enormous gated community with security at the gate.  It is helpful because they can tell the cab driver where to take me.  The architecture building is full of interesting student projects and posters.  There is also a resident cat that attended the coffe breaks and some of the talks.

It is a small conference with about 50 attendees.  The people are friendly and there is plenty of lively discussion.  I have met a few of the other attendees at other conferences.  There are not any parallel sessions, which is nice that I can attend all the talks.

The traffic in Turkey is pretty crazy.  If a city street has lanes, they are only guidelines.  Cars pass and merge at high speed with horns blaring and pass within inches of each other.  I am amazed we have not been in an accident!  The cab I took today had a racing tachometer and model racecar on the dashboard.  As you might imagine, I got back to the hotel rather quickly.
Emily has spent the days shopping and relaxing.  We have had dinner together the past two nights.  She was able to get some dehydration salts and a probiotic medicine.  I took my first dose tonight (Tuesday).  Hopefully it will kick in soon!

Other than Turkey tummy, we are doing well.

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