Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer 2013

Well, it is summer in academia.  The break in teaching allows time for research and preparation for upcoming courses.  I am lucky to have an opportunity to travel to Europe this summer to present research at three conferences and do some museum research.  I will be gone for 1 month, which seems pretty crazy.  Luckily, Amy will be joining me for two weeks.  My flight leaves tonight from Detroit and will arrive tomorrow in London.  Today I am running some errands and finishing packing.

I will be attending the following three conferences:
After the first conference, my trusty research assistant will join me and I will be doing some extensive museum research in the British Isles.  We will be visiting museums in the following major cities and several other small towns:
  • London, England
  • Glasgow, Scotland
  • Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Dublin, Ireland
Here is a map to let you explore these places:

View Blog Map in a larger map

I am looking forward to my trip!  The conferences are always a great way to connect with other colleagues and learn new things.  I am teaching a new course in the fall on math and the arts, so I hope to get some ideas for that course from visiting museums and from the conferences.

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